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You have all heard of the coronavirús but do you really know what it is?
Viruses are very, very small organisms that cause disease when they enter people, animals, or plants. The big problem with viruses is that they can be very contagious, like this one, like the coronavirus, and sometimes they are very difficult to cure. Coronaviruses are a type of virus that bats appear to have spread to humans. It is transmitted through saliva, but with a single tiny droplet, the smallest one in the hands of a sick person, many people can be infected. As it is an unknown virus, scientists still do not
know how to cure it, but do not worry because sooner or later they will surely find the solution. The truth is that luckily there are doctors, nurses, scientists and all the people
who take care of us when we are sick, don’t you think?
When the coronavirus enters someone’s body, that person begins to have a fever and a cough and sometimes has trouble breathing and is ill. When this happens it is best to call the doctor and do what he tells us.
To avoid having the coronavirus there are three rules that must be followed. The first is not to be in contact with people who are sick. The second, wash your hands many times with soap and water and the third try not to touch your face if you have not washed your hands before. If we comply with these rules, we will surely all succeed in ending the coronavirus.