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Unicellular and Multicellular beings
Hello Happy Friends! Welcome to a New Happy Learning Video. Today, we’re going to get to know unicellular and multicellular living organisms.
We all know, that all living things are made up of cells, but many of them are form of a single cell. They are called micro or unicellular organisms. Although they are very simple organisms, they live an independent life, meaning they perform all vital functions by themselves. Do you remember what these functions are? Well done! Nutrition, Relationship, and reproduction.
Some Examples of unicellular beings are bacteria and protozoans.
Some of these organisms are able to make their own food but most of them feed on other living beings.
They are so small they can only bee seen through a microscope, that’s why we also call them microbes or microorganisms. The truth is that they are a little bad for us humans because they cause diseases, but others are very beneficial, like ones which turn milk into yogurt o cheese. Hmmmm so yummy!
Living things who made up of more than one cell, are called multicellular beings. Like plants, or animals. All cells in these organisms are alive. They feed on substances they take to the membrane and they reproduce, by increasing in size and dividing into two. Also, lots of them can move.
Cells are very diverse and they join in biological tissues depending on their shape and function. Two examples of biological tissues are the epithelial tissue, our skin, and muscular tissues, our muscles. These organs, likewise, form groups like the respiratory or digestive system.
Well friends, now you know about unicellular and multicellular beings. Easy Peasy!