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Why do we have our belly button?
Why do we have our belly button?
What is it used for?
Before we are born, while we are in our mother’s bellies, we didn’t feed through our mouths, nope! We fed, through the umbilical cord…This cord, which united the mother and her child,, is in charge of taking oxygen and nutrients to the baby,, and thanks to this, it can develop and live.
At birth, the doctor, cuts the umbilical cord, since the baby can now start to feed orally,, that means it can eat through its mouth, like all of us.
Once the umbilical cord is cut, a small piece is left on the baby, but with time, this piece falls off and as a souvenir, of when we were still in our mother’s womb, that scar, that small whole we call belly button.
I’m sure that from now on, every time you look at your belly button you’ll remember your beloved mother.
Goodbye Happy Friends, see you in our next Happy Learning Video.