The Company
A company is an organization which dedicate themself to producing goods or services in exchange for a benefit, or in other words, for money. Learn all about them with this wonderful educational video for kids.
A company is an organization which dedicate themself to producing goods or services in exchange for a benefit, or in other words, for money. Learn all about them with this wonderful educational video for kids.
Did you know that if we put together all the arteries and veins, they would be equivalent in lenght to almost two and a half turns around the Earth? Learn about the circulatory system and the blood with Happy Learning.
Rome was founded almost 2800 years ago, centuries later it became one of the most powerful empires ever to exist. Learn a bit of its history with this great educational video from Happy Learning.
You will not have much time to digest this game. Try and beat our chronometer to be the best in this word search.
Healthy foods are fundamental for our existence, they help us grow and be strong. Learn about healthy foods with this wonderful video about the new food pyramid with Happy Learning.
Enjoy this song about numbers with Happy Learning. You can learn it with your family and friends. Come on! It’s a funny karaoke. Have fun on Summer!
Did you know that the biggest shark that has ever existed was the megalodon? Come with us and you can learn more curiosities about sharks with Happy Learning!